When I go to NOOR Images web site, I come across with a beautiful photograph, used as the web site background image. Considering this is a photo agency, this back ground usage is quite efficient and appealing. The very first page we see is a sort of an over all page where there are two links: "enter site" and "buy pictures". They both explain what they are going to bring when clicked on. I think this is a good aspect. I like how they place these links in two separate, black boxes. Graphically, they are certainly eye-catching. I also like the NOOR logotype design and its unusual placement on this very first page.
However, this beautiful intro page and the rest of the page has some flaws in it. First of all, when I change the size of this first NOOR images window, it reloads the image, which is good. However size change causes lost from the images. I can't see the entire image when it is shrunk down.
If I click on "enter site" or "buy pictures", there is no way I can come back to this very first page. I can switch from "buy pictures" to home page by clicking on NOOR logo. I can't do the other way around. In the home page, there is "print sales"link. I am not sure if it serves for the same purpose with "buy pictures".Other than this part, I didn't see any dead-ends. However, there is not a back button on the pages, neither.
There is no visual consistency between the first page and the home page.
They don't use the same full-photo background idea. Among photographers, only Jan Grarup has the full background. This is another inconsistency. I don't think that the home page layout with two black blocks on each side is as good as their first page. Home page layout is certainly efficient and simple, but not visually good.
Home page shows the NOOR logo on the left top. But every other link, except for the "noorzones' and "archive" links, has the logo at the bottom left corner. "noorzones" doesn't have the logo at all. For some reason, "archive" opens up in a new browser window, while every other link is anchored to the top bar, which has the links.
My over all impression of this site is that every time i visit it, I get lost in it. The crowd in the site has a significant effect on that, as well as its layout design.
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